Terms Of Use
Natural Resources Investor Pty Ltd, (ACN 668 196 174), may be referred to in this document as: “We”, “us” and/or “our”. In respect to users or readers of this website, they may be referred to in this document as: “You”, and/or “your”. The Terms of Use of Natural Resources Investor are outlined in this document (“Terms of Use”). By using this website or being subscribed to our newsletter, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. Should the Terms of Use for this website, newsletter or associated channels ever change, you will be notified by email if we have your email address. You should check this page regularly for any updates. Continued use of this website will constitute acceptance of any updates to the Terms of Use.
1. How the Terms of Use is updated
​These Terms of Use may change or be updated. If the Terms of Use do change, we will notify you by updating the new Terms of Use on this page. If we have your email address, we will email you to let you know if this Terms of Use has changed. We recommend that you regularly check this page for any changes.
2. Who is prohibited from using this website
​Our website is not intended to be used or read by children. You are prohibited from using this website if you are under the age of 18 years old. This age may be different depending on the laws of your country. Further to this, if you choose to send us your personal information (such as signing up to our newsletter using your name and email address), you must be old enough to do so according to the laws of your country.
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​All the material on this website is strictly information only. All information on this website should not be interpreted as financial advice or a recommendation or implied recommendation about any security, financial asset, financial product, derivative, warrant or any other investment. No information on this website should be construed as a solicitation to buy, purchase, invest, sell, short-sell any security, financial asset, financial product, derivative, warrant or any other investment. If you are an investor, you are urged to contact a licensed financial adviser before deciding to make or refrain from any potential investment.​
4. All information is general in nature and does not consider your situation or personal financial circumstances
All information on this website, newsletter or other Natural Resources Investor channels is general in nature. Information on this website and associated channels does not consider your situation or personal financial circumstances. The content on Natural Resources Investor does not constitute general or personal financial advice and it is strictly information only.
5. Disclosure documents
From time to time, securities may release disclosure documents or announcements to the wider investing public. All companies discussed by Natural Resources Investor will have published historical disclosure documents and announcements that you can read and access online. You are urged to read all disclosure documents and adequately reflect on that information when investigating or researching any security that Natural Resources Investor may present material on.
6. Factual basis and accuracy
Natural Resources Investor strives to the best of its ability to ensure that all information that is presented has a reasonable basis in fact. However, none of the information on this website has been independently verified by any third party or authority. Consequently, the content on this website may contain errors, omissions, factual inaccuracies or be subject to bias. You should therefore never rely on any of the information presented here. If in doubt, you should investigate other reliable sources of information to verify any information presented on this website or any Natural Resources Investor correspondence, guides, or channels.
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Natural Resources Investor does not endorse the use of any information presented on this website for any particular use or purpose.
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Unless stated otherwise, Natural Resources Investor reserves copyright for all material on this website or other communication channels. You must first contact us and receive our permission if you wish to reproduce any material from Natural Resources Investor.​
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You agree to fully indemnify Natural Resources Investor, and its associates from any damages which may arise resulting from a reliance of any material that is presented on this website, newsletter or elsewhere. This indemnification will apply even in circumstances where Natural Resources Investor has been reckless or negligent. Under no circumstances will you pursue legal action against Natural Resources Investor or any of its associates due to reading, viewing, listening, transmitting, handling or otherwise consuming any material Natural Resources Investor publishes in any form on any of its channels of communication.
10. Forward looking projections
The basis of any investment is that the future is unknown and therefore there is always risk of capital loss. Consequently, any forward looking projections or forward statements made on this website, newsletter or elsewhere should never be relied upon. None of the information of this website, newsletter or elsewhere has been independently verified and therefore cannot be relied upon in any manner for any purpose.
11. Solicitation to invest
The material on this website is not a solicitation to invest in any security or financial instrument.
12. Third-party material
From time to time, third-party material may appear on this website or other Natural Resources Investor channels. Natural Resources Investor doesn’t endorse any information contained in any third-party material on this website. Further, website links by Natural Resources Investor to third-party websites do not constitute an endorsement of the materials found within those links or websites. You agree to not hold Natural Resources Investor accountable in any situation where you have relied or acted on third-party material.​
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Natural Resources Investor does not guarantee that any material presented on this website or other channel is free from viruses or other malicious software which could harm your electronic device. Further, Natural Resources Investor bears no responsibility in the event of any security breach or harm caused by viruses or other malicious software.
14. Dealing in securities
You accept and understand that Natural Resources Investor and its associates may purchase, sell or own securities in the companies featured or interviewed by Natural Resources Investor at any time.
15. Jurisdiction
In the event of any legal dispute, the courts of New South Wales, Australia have jurisdiction. Further to this, the laws of New South Wales, Australia must be used when interpreting these Terms of Use.
​16. Objections and complaints
If you object to any material that is on this website, or any Natural Resources Investor channel, you must first contact us. If we believe your objection or complaint has merit, we may choose to get back to you and to rectify the issue. However we may choose to ignore your email if we believe your objection or complaint has no merit.